Java2 Certification
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Identify correctly constructed package declarations import statements class declarations (of all forms including inner classes) interface declarations and implementations (for java.lang.Runnable or other interface described in the test) method declarations (including the main method that is used to start execution of a class) variable declarations and identifiers.
This is a strangely phrased objective. It seems to be asking you to understand where, how and why you can use import and package statements and where you should place the interface statement and variable statements. The 1.1 objective seemed to make more sense in that they asked you to "distinguish legal and illegal orderings" of various statements. I have a feeling that they did not re-write every question in the bank to match the new objectives so you will get similar questions for the Java2 exam.
The name package implies a collection of classes, somewhat like a library. In use a package is also a little like a directory. If you place a package statement in a file it will only be visible to other classes in the same package. You can place a comment before the package statement but nothing else. You may get exam questions that place an import statement before the package statement
//You can place a comment before the package statement package MyPack; public class MyPack{}
The following will cause an error
import java.awt.*; //Error: Placing an import statement before the package //statement will cause a compile time error package MyPack; public class MyPack{}
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If a source file has a package statement it must
The package statement may include the dot notation to indicate a package hierarchy. Thus the following will compile without error
package myprogs.MyPack; public class MyPack{}
Remember that if you do not place a package statement in a source file it will be considered to have a default package which corresponds to the current directory. This has implications for visibility which is covered in Section 1.2 Declarations and access control.
Import statements must come after any package statements and
before any code. Import statements cannot come within classes, after classes
are declared or anywhere else.
The import statement allows you to use a class directly instead of fully
qualifying it with the full package name. An example of this is that the classname
java.awt.Button is normally referred to simply as Button, so long
as you have put in the statement at the top of the file as follows
import java.awt.*;
Note that using a class statement does not result in a performance overhead or a change in the size of the .class output file.
A file can only contain one outer public class. If you attempt to create a file with more than one public class the compiler will complain with a specific error. A file can contain multiple non public classes, but bear in mind that this will produce separate .class output files for each class. It does not matter where in the file the public class is placed, so long as there is only one of them in the file.
Inner classes were introduced with JDK 1.1. The idea is to allow one class to be defined within another, to be defined within a method and for the creation of anonymous inner classes. This has some interesting affects, particularly on visibility.
Here is a simple example of an inner class
class Outer{ class inner{} }
This results in the generation of class files with the names
Outer.class Outer$Inner.class
The definition of the inner class is only visible within the context of an existing Outer class. Thus the following will cause a compile time error
class Outer{ class Inner{} } class Another{ public void amethod(){ Inner i = new Inner(); } }
So far as the class Another is concerned, the class Inner does not exist. It can only exist in the context of an instance of the class Outer. Thus the following code works fine because there is an instance of this for the outer class at the time of creation of the instance of Inner
class Outer{ public void mymethod(){ Inner i = new Inner(); } public class Inner{} }
But what happens if there is no existence of this for the class Outer. To make sense of the rather odd syntax provided for this try to think of the keyword new as used in the above example as belonging to the current insistence of this.
Thus you could change the line that creates the instance of this to read
Inner i = this.new Inner();
Thus if you need to create an instance of Inner from a static method or somewhere else where there is no this object you can use new as a method belonging to the outer class
class Outer{ public class Inner{} } class another{ public void amethod(){ Outer.Inner i = new Outer().new Inner(); } }
Despite my glib explanations, I find this syntax unintuitive and forget it five minutes after learning it. It is very likely that you will get a question on this in the exam, so give it extra attention.
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You can gain access to an inner class by using the
One of the benefits of inner classes is that an inner class generally gets
access to the fields of its enclosing (or outer) class. Unlike an outer class
an inner class may be private or static. The examiners seem to
like to ask simple questions that boil down to "can an inner class be
static or private". Marking an inner class static
has some interesting effects with regards to accessing the fields of the enclosing
class. The effect of marking it as static means there is only one instance
of any variables, no matter how many instances of the outer class are created.
In this situation how could the static inner class know which variables to access
of its non static outer class. Of course the answer is that it could not know,
and thus an static inner class cannot access instance variables of its
enclosing class.
The methods of an static inner class can of course access any static fields of its enclosing class as there will only ever be one instance of any of those fields.
Inner classes can be created within methods. This is something that GUI builders like Borland JBuilder do a great deal of when creating Event handlers.
Here is an example of such automatically generated code
buttonControl1.addMouseListener(new java.awt.event.MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { buttonControl1_mouseClicked(e); } });
Note the keyword new just after the first parenthesis. This indicates that an anonymous inner class is being defined within the method addMouseListener. This class could have been defined normally with a name which might make it easier for a human to read, but as no processing is done with it anywhere else, having a name does not help much.
If you create such code by hand, it is easy to get confused over the number and level of brackets and parentheses. Note how the whole structure ends with a semi colon, as this is actually the end of a method call.
As you might guess an anonymous class cannot have a constructor. Think about it, a constructor is a method with no return value and the same name as the class. Duh! we are talking about classes without names. An anonymous class may extend another class or implement a single interface. This peculiar limit does not seem to be tested in the exam.
A class defined within a method can only access fields in the enclosing method if they have been defined as final. This is because variables defined within methods normally are considered automatic, ie they only exist whilst the method is executing. Fields defined within a class created within a method may outlive the enclosing method.
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A class defined within a method can only access final fields of the enclosing method. |
Because a final variable cannot be changed the JVM can be sure that the value will stay constant even after the outer method has ceased to execute. You are very likely to get questions on this in the exam, including questions that query the status of variables passed as a parameter to the method (yes, they too must be final)
Interfaces are the way Java works around the lack of multiple inheritance. Interestingly Visual Basic uses the keyword interface and uses the concept in a manner similar to Java. The interface approach is sometimes known as programming by contract. An interface is used via the keyword "implements". Thus a class can be declared as
class Malvern implements Hill,Well{ public }
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Given the following code
public class FinAc{ static int l = 4; private int k=2; public static void main(String argv[]){ FinAc a = new FinAc(); a.amethod(); } public void amethod(){ final int i = 99; int j = 6; class CInMet{ public void mymethod(int q){ //Here }//end of mymethod }//End of CInMet CInMet c = new CInMet(); c.mymethod(i); }//End of amthod }
Which of the following variables are visible on the line marked with the comment //Here?
1) l
2) k
3) i
4) j
Which of the following will compile correctly?
//A Comment import java.awt.*; class Base{};
import java.awt.*; package Spot; class Base();
//Another comment package myprogs.MyPack; public class MyPack{}
class Base{} import java.awt.*; public class Tiny{}
Which of the following statements are true?
1) An inner class may be defined as static
2) An inner class may NOT be define as private
3) An anonymous class may have only one constructor
4) An inner class may extend another class
From code that has no current this reference how can you create an instance of an inner class?
1) Outer.Inner i = new Outer().new Inner();
2) Without a this reference an inner class cannot be created
3) Outer.Inner i = Outer().new new Inner();
4) Outer i = Outer.new().Inner();
1) l
2) k
3) i
A class defined within a method can only see final fields from its enclosing
method. However it can see the fields in its enclosing class including private
fields. The field j was not defined as final.
//A Comment import java.awt.*; class Base{};
//Another comment package myprogs.MyPack; public class MyPack{}
Any package statement must be the first item in a file (apart from comments). An import statement must come after any package statement and before any code.
1) An inner class may be defined as static
4) An inner class may extend another class
How could an anonymous class have a constructor? Inner classes may be defined as private.
1) Outer.Inner i = new Outer().new Inner();
The Sun Tutorial http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/more/nested.html Richard Baldwin http://www.Geocities.com/Athens/7077/Java094.htm and also http://www.Geocities.com/Athens/7077/Java095.htm Jyothi Krishnan on this topic at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/3693/obj_sec4.html#obj9 A tutorial on packages http://v2ma09.gsfc.nasa.gov/JavaPackages.html The Java Language Specification on interfaces http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/html/9.doc.html#238680 |